8 Random Things About Me

I initially declined to be suckered into getting tagged again. Today over lunch with friends though, I tossed the idea to the table and it turned out to be quite a fun exchange.

So here we go:

1. I used to drive my friend’s car in illegal quarter mile races in Manila and often won. It was also fun eluding the cops whenever they got wind of the races. The adrenaline rush was a major high.

2. I am the only Filipina I know who can’t ballroom dance. Neither have I the talent nor a liking for karaoke singing. I have never been a big rice-eater either. I blame this all on my mom’s side of the family. My dad sings like Sinatra, dances like Astaire and can’t have a meal without rice.

3. I develop crushes instantly, swoon like I’m in high school and flirt unabashedly. My weakness: tall, tanned, well-dressed and nice smelling guys. And I usually end up with the gay guy because my gaydar is so freakin’ out of whack!!!

4. Autumn makes me feel sad. Falling leaves, the colours of the season, dying trees or the end of summer – I really don’t know why but it always makes me feel melancholy and very vulnerable.

5. I owned just a single pair of jeans when I was in Manila. I still am not much of a denim person but yes, I now own several pairs. I tend to have loyalty to brands that make my butt look awfully sexy.

6. In grade school I was dark, awkward, tall, thin and lanky. I guess it was the start of my ugly duckling phase... am still waiting to grow out of it. Good thing is I have grown boobs (and yes, they ARE mine!).

7. When I’m bored, I go to B&N grab some celebrity gossip magazines and sit on the floor in a corner to read them. I would never buy a copy (except if probably it had pictures of Shiloh Pitt. She's my baby, see. Brangelina just adopted her.)

8. I am in my element when I am close to the sea – salty air, the ocean spray, the sound of the waves and the sand on my feet reminds me of being home.

Not that you care, I’m sure.

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