Social Networking and the PDA-phobic

Hot humid summer night in Manhattan.  Boy and girl sit outside of Shake Shack eating 'healthier' burgers and 'healthier' fries.

In between chewing and chit-chatting about 'how was your day dear?', they both browse their emails from their phones.

Him: You sent me an invite to Google Plus?

Her: Uh-hum...

Him: Who else is there?

Her: me and none of your million and one female followers.

Him: So it is like a party with no guests.

Her: That's what I Tweeted.

Him:  You don't even bother with your Facebook peeps.

Her: They are not my peeps. Half of them are stalkers who add me so they can have 1,000 friends. Only about half of those in my list - the ones who see my full posts are my friends.

Him: So if I add you on Google Plus you and I can chat openly on your wall?

Her: Hell no.

Him: I just deleted your invite.

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