
Jana Gabrielle is her name, born 8 days after my birthday in 2002. Much awaited and very much loved, she is the first born of Francis and Lai. She and I met for the first time the day after I arrived in Manila in December 2003 when I came home for the holidays. She was pleasant with me, the stranger, and I tried not to be intimidating. I was so excited to see her I wanted to take her in my arms and just start my role as the doting aunt. Patience, however was what my daughter Nicole recommended. And so patiently I waited until she became comfortable with me. And that was after the 4th hour.
After that she wooed me with her smile, her intelligence and her antics. She is such a charming child and the only one I know who smiles first thing soon as she wakes from a nap. Her giggles and shrieks will make you forget your troubles. She is sunshine when she is happy. And she can also give you hell when she's feeling sleepy or grouchy, often when she cannot get things done her way. Spoiled? I'd like to think she just knows with what she can get away with.
I like most how her face lights up when she hears her father's car pull up in the driveway. And it is mysterious how she can sense his arrival when the car doesn't make any noise at all. She'd look up, however from what she is doing and give you this look with a grin lighting up her face as though to let you know her daddy has arrived and she's always right. It's like they are so connected she can feel his presence. And when he comes into the room she is all excitement, stomping her feet and running up to him like they've not seen each other for years. I call it another mutual-admiration fan club.
I remember most how she always smells baby fresh, thanks to mom Lai. And how she likes playing with the moist towelettes, putting them against her nose. How she'd always fall asleep on her mom's or dad's chest, like Nicole when she was young. I think they feel the comfort of a warm body and the sound of the heartbeat is comforting.
She has a great healthy appetite but nothing is most adorable for her except the fuji apples her grandma has peeled for her and kept cool in the ref. Probably because she was teething so it felt good on her gums. After a while she'd not really be swallowing them anymore. Just chewing on them and then spitting them all over the floor for her parents to clean up after her.
And I was witness to how only her grandpa can appease her when she's having a difficult time capturing the sleep she is much yearning for. I tried to make her sleep when her parents took time off to fly over the Pinatubo Volcano while we were on vacation. No amount of expertise I've been able to use on my daughter or the kids of my friends had worked with her and with all frustration she had began to scream in tears. So my dad walks into the room, gets her and takes her for a walk and in less than 5 minutes she is sound asleep. Amazing...
On my final night in Manila I cried after kissing her goodbye. She kissed me back, unknowing we'd not be seeing each other again for a while since I was leaving for the airport in less than 6 hours. I cried because this much awaited addition to our family was the closest I have had to another child of my own. I cried because it feels bad to know she'd have more antics I'd be missing. I cried because she reminds me of what I am missing being away from my family. That time doesn't stop when I return to New York and there is no way of capturing each moment for another time. These are the sacrifices of living away from family.