Rome bans goldfish bowls
ROME, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Rome has banned goldfish bowls, which animal rights activists say are cruel, and has made regular dog-walks mandatory in the Italian capital, the town's council said on Tuesday.
The newspaper Il Messaggero reported that round bowls caused fish to go blind. No one at Rome council was available to confirm this was why they were banned. Many fish experts say round bowls provide insufficient oxygen for fish.
So I asked the girl in the next cubicle at work, "How did the scientists know that the goldfish was going blind?"
"They keep bumping the sides of the bowl?" she shrugged.
Finally we concluded that they lower a fish eyechart and see how well they can read it. I wonder though why there aren't that many goldfishes with eyeglasses though. Contact lenses?
The newspaper Il Messaggero reported that round bowls caused fish to go blind. No one at Rome council was available to confirm this was why they were banned. Many fish experts say round bowls provide insufficient oxygen for fish.
So I asked the girl in the next cubicle at work, "How did the scientists know that the goldfish was going blind?"
"They keep bumping the sides of the bowl?" she shrugged.
Finally we concluded that they lower a fish eyechart and see how well they can read it. I wonder though why there aren't that many goldfishes with eyeglasses though. Contact lenses?