Chinese Fortune Cookies

"Life is basket of fortune cookies; you never know what you gonna to get" is my new version of the Forrest Grump quip.

Last night about 20 of the friends I share with the M.O. decided to have Chinese dinner, eager for some warm tea that is served free with the meal and the delicious roast pork or roast duck noodle soup. I discovered this place on 88th and 3rd that's very cozy and cheap that serves food fast and very flavorful. At the end of the meal we were given a small basket with a bunch of fortune cookies. I told them that back at work, whenever we ordered Chinese and got the cookies, we'd add "in bed" on all the messages that are hidden inside the small twisted thin wafers. And so everyone picked up a cookie and read their fortunes in my suggested fashion. And it was hilarious!

"An hour with friends is worth more than ten with bed"

"The simplest answer is to bed"

"He who has good health is young ... in bed!"

You should try it. Makes you look forward to the little package that comes at the end of your meal!

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